1. GPX with Python to TXT files

2. GPX with Python to SVG files

3. Read GPS tags of EXIF metadata from JPEGs with Python

4. Georeferencing CH1903 with QGIS

5. Parse SVG map file with Python module SAX - write to TXT

6. Read elevations with Python from Swisstopo api-server - import in QGIS

7. Topography for cross sections with Python from Swisstopo api-server - write to TXT and SVG

8. Add coordinates and elevation to stereo32 data files - write to TXT

9. Plot stereo32 structure data as coloured dots on SVG map - write to SVG

10. Import lines of equal altitude from SVG map in QGIS using Python

11. Interpolation of SHP Points file with GRASS GIS to convert to DEM GeoTIFF

12. Read altitudes of pixels of DEM GeoTIFF with Python GDAL module