Glarus Thrust with Martinsloch seen from SE

Bas den Brok

Teaching experience
Lectures, practicals, excursions, field mapping courses

WS=Winter Semester; SS=Summer Semester

At GUtech (2010-2014)

Geomechanics in Hydrocarbon and Engineering Geology (lectures and excursion)
(WS 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014)

Geodynamics & Tectonics (lectures and excursion)
Geodynamik und Tektonik
(SS 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)

Geological Evolution of Oman(lectures and excursion)
Geologie von Oman
(WS 2010-2011, 2011-2012)

Structural Geology (lectures and excursion)
(WS 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014)

Rock Microstructures (lectures and lab)
(WS 2013-2014)

Applied Structural Geology (lectures, lab, excursion)
Angewandte Strukturgeologie
(SS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)

Geological Field Methods (lectures and exercises)
Geologische Feldmethoden
(WS 2009-2010, 2010-2011)

Geological Mapping II (practical)
Geologisches Kartieren II
(SS 2010, 2011)

Geological Fieldwork II (fieldwork)
Geländearbeit Aliaga (Spain)
(SS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)

Geological Fieldwork III (fieldwork)
Geländearbeit Huqf (Oman)
(WS 2012-2013)

Interpretation of Data and Critical Thinking (lectures and exercises)
Dateninterpretation und kritisches Denken
(SS 2010)

Project Management (lectures and exercises)
Dateninterpretation und kritisches Denken
(SS 2011, 2014)

Supervision of BSc theses
Betreuung von Bachelor Arbeiten
(SS 2012, 2013, 2014)

As senior lecturer (Oberassistent) at ETH-Zürich (1998-2004)

Geotectonics (lectures)
(WS 1999-2000; WS 2000-2001; WS 2001-2002)

Microtectonics (lectures and microscopy practical)
(SS 2002, SS 2003, SS 2004)

Anisotropy and rheology of rocks (lectures)
Anisotropie und Rheologie von Gesteinen
(SS 2002, SS 2003, SS 2004)

Construction and interpretation of geological maps and profiles (practical)
Erdwissenschaftliches Kartenpraktikum
(WS 98-99; WS 99-00; WS 00-01; WS 01-02; SS 02; WS 02-03; SS 03 WS 03-04; SS 04)

Basin and facies analysis (geodynamics part) (lectures and excersises)
Becken- und Faziesanalyse (Geodynamikteil)
(SS 1999; SS 2000; SS 2001)

Geological field camp I (2 weeks mapping course, beginners level)
Geologisch-Petrographischer Feldkurs I (Anfänger)
(Diablerets/Morcles 1999; Säntis/Alpstein 2000, 2004; Gotschna/Klosters 2001; Gantrisch 2003)

Geological field camp II (2 weeks mapping course, magmatic rocks, advanced level)
Geologisch-Petrographischer Feldkurs II (magmatische Gesteine)
(Adamello, Italy 2002)

Geological field camp III (2 weeks mapping in tectonically complicated area)
Geologisch-Petrographischer Feldkurs III (Fortgeschrittene)
(Sardinia 1999; Montagne Noire 2000; Sinai 2001; Naxos 2002, 2004)

Organisation of geological excursions
Leitung von geologischen Exkursionen
(Jura 2000, Glarus Alps 2000-2005, Vierwaldstättersee-Gotthard 2000-2003, Nördlinger Ries 2001,2005; Insubric Line - Arcegno 2001,2004; Rheintal graben 2002)

Supervision of diploma- and PhD-mapping projects
Betreuung v. Diplom- und Promotionskartierungen
Glarus Alps (1999-2006); Alpi apuane (Italy) (2002-2003); Naxos (2002-2003); Abu Zenima Area, Sinai (1999); Yaoundé, Cameroon (2000)

As junior lecturer (Wiss. Mitarb. BAT IIa) at Mainz University (1993-1998)

Introduction to rheology of rocks (lectures)
Einführung in die Rheologie von Gesteinen
1994, 1995, 1996.

Experimental methods in tectonophysics (laboratory practical)
Experimentelle Methoden in der Tektonophysik
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998.

Microtectonics (lectures and microscopy practical)
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998.

Mechanics of nappe motion (lectures, exercises and excursion to Glarus Alps)
Mechanik der Deckenbewegung

Tectonics excursion and field practical I (beginners level)
Geländeübung zur Tektonik I für Anfänger
Ahrtal, 1993, 1994.

Tectonics excursion and field practical II (advanced level)
Geländeübung zur Tektonik II
Regional geology and tectonics excursion to Stavelot-Venn Massif (Belgian Ardennes) (1994), Meuse profile (Belgium/France) (1996), Rhenish massif (Schiefergebirge) (1997), Taunus and Hunsrück (1998).

Field methods in regional geology and tectonics
Geländemethoden in der regionalen Geologie/Tektonik
Lectures and tectonic field practical in Mosel syncline near Traben-Trabach. Focus on small scale deformation structures.
1997, 1998.

Field methods in regional geology and tectonics (advanced level)
Geländeübung zur Tektonik und regionalen Geologie für Fortgeschrittene
Excursion to central Pyrenees: North-South profile, focus on deformation and metamorphism in Pyrenees. Also: practical course in ductile shear zones at Cap de Creus (Spain).
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998.

Geological field camp (2 weeks geological mapping, beginners level)
Geologische Kartierung für Anfänger
Pic Saint Loup (Montpellier, Southern France)
1995, 1996, 1997.

Geological field camp (2 weeks geological mapping, advanced level)
Geologische Kartierung für Fortgeschrittene
Carrara (Apuane Alps, Italy)
1994, 1995, 1996.

Supervision of diploma mapping projects
Carrara, Apuane Alps, Italy (1996, 1997), Saint Chinian (near Narbonne, Southern France) (1996), Cap de Creus (Pyrenees, Spain) (1996), Nagssugtoqidian, West-Greenland (1995)

As demonstrator during MSc and PhD study at Utrecht University (1983-1991)

Aereal Photography (practical)
Luchtfotogeologie practicum

Geological structures, maps and profiles (practical, beginners level)
Kaarten en Profielen KEP I
1985, 1986

Geological structures, maps and profiles (practical, advanced level)
Kaarten en Profielen KEP II
1983, 1984

Strain analysis (practical)
Strain analyse
1987, 1988, 1989

Crystallography XRD (practical, beginners level)
Prakticum Kristallografie I

Crystallography XRD (practical, advanced level)
Praktikum Kristallografie II

Geometrical Crystallography (practical)
Praktikum Geometrische Kristallografie II

Microtectonics I (microscopy practical)
Mikrotektoniek I
1986, 1987, 1988

Microtectonics II (laboratory practical; experiments)
Mikrotektoniek II
1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991

Geological excursion (beginners)
Geologische excursie Ardennen

Geological mapping course (1 month; beginners level)
Eerstejaars Kartering
Cagli (Italy) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990

Last updated January 17 2016